Welcome to Berlin! We would like to compliment you on your decision to study at Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin’s ERASMUS programme.
The Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Joint Medical Faculty of Freie Universität and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) work in close cooperation with about 80 partner universities within the SOCRATES/ERASMUS-programme.
Within the last few years not only did the fusion of the medical faculties of the two universities take place but also a new curriculum was established at our university. So there were and still are a lot of changes to cope with. In order to make your stay as smooth as possible, we have created this course booklet. It was created by students for students.
This is our second edition, so please get back to us if you find any mistakes – we are always open to suggestions. Please read through the booklet carefully and make your choices with consideration. Also make sure that you explore our website – it holds a lot of useful information and is always kept updated.
Your ChIC Team
Charité International Cooperation
- Office of Student Coordinators-
Campus Charité Mitte
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin- Germany
Tel.: ++49-30- 450- 576129
Fax: ++49-30- 450- 576900
…once you are selected by your university:
Step 1: Read our booklet carefully
Step 2: Decide which courses you want to take. Do take into consideration what your university requires you to do on your exchange and recheck with the information in our booklet if you will be able to meet those requirements.
While choosing the courses make sure that you don’t take too many courses in one semester – 30 ECTS in one semester is the most you will be able to do.
We would like to emphasize that you can only do complete subjects during one semester (e.g. Internal Medicine as a complete course only and NOT Gastroenterology and Cardiology only). You are not allowed to split courses which run for one semester into segments according to themes. Some subjects have to be attended in combination that is
1) Internal Medicine plus Surgery plus Anesthesiology,
2) Neurology plus Psychiatry plus Psychosomatic,
3) Gynecology plus Pediatrics plus Genetics.
Step 3: Fill in the university application form and also the course application form. Add the test result of your German language test (see below “Language”). Please take this test really serious, don’t pass it with help of others, as your language skills will be checked by the university in a similar way when you do your immatriculation here!
Step 4: In case you want to apply for accommodation in residencies please make sure that you hand in the application form in time. If you have any problem with that unfortunately we cannot help you since those responsible are in another office (check contacts in the accommodation form).
Step 5: Respect our deadlines: 10th of June (for the winter term) and 10th of December (for the spring term) each year. No exceptions can be made!!
Step 6: We will inscribe you into the courses in July (January) each year.
Step 7: You will receive an email from
with your timetable, usually in July/August (January/February) of each year. Please look through it very carefully. In the rare case that you may need to make changes please contact us at
(and not
!) directly after receiving your timetable!
…once you are here:
Step 1: Every medical student of Charité has to get examined and lab values checked by our occupational doctors (Betriebsarzt)! So please make an appointment for you at the occup. med. center at Campus Virchow Klinikum, Südring 6B. Just call them (phone: +49-30-450 570 700) and fix an appointment before your studies start. You can even call them from your home country!
Step 2: Course lists: If you did not receive a timetable via email the course lists for the next semester will be put up in the end of the semesterbreak at the “Alte Zahnklinik “ (Virchowweg 24) at Charité Campus Mitte. They are put up as special ERASMUS LISTS so please look out for them. In the beginning you will find everything a bit confusing but don’t worry – you will get used to it very quickly!
Step 3: Even though by now all your problems should have been solved, in case something is still not quite right: please make sure you come by at our office and we will try to help you!
Please do not go to Referat für Studienangelenheiten on your own, contact them only if we tell you to do so.
If a secretary from some department tells you to contact anyone working at the Referat für Studienangelenheiten: come to us first or give us a call so we can do it for you! It creates far less chaos if we call there once a day instead of five ERASMUS-Students calling there one after another. Please respect our policy in your own interest!
If you stay here longer than one semester...
After the deadline for course application is published, come to our office and tell us which courses you would like to take in the second semester. We will note them and pass them on to the Referat für Studienangelegenheiten. We are your only contact as far as timetables are concerned, not the Referat für Studienangelegenheiten (unlike Charité students).
Due to our new curriculum, some students might find it difficult to find out how, which and when to take their exams. We try very hard to provide you with all the necessary courses and exams, in order to continue smoothly with your studies at home. However, we sometimes encounter problems we cannot solve in your favour. Therefore, we would like to give you an overview on how exams are executed at the Charité.
· Written Exams at the end of each semester (Semesterabschlussklausuren)
· Oral Exams in a few subjects
Written Exams are normally executed as multiple choice tests in German. They normally have only one correct answer (no combinatory answers). At the end of each semester you will obtain your certificate on successfully passing a course only if you took part in that specific exam.
Note: A „Famulatur“ (elective) is not an equivalent to the exam. Each exam will be graded according to examination standards of “Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin”.
Some clinical subjects are examined comprehensively, e.g. Internal Medicine and Surgery and Anesthesiology from 2nd to 5th clinical semester. These are the so called „Fächerübergreifende Abschlussklausuren“. It is not possible to take only one part of the exam, e.g. if you intend to take Internal Medicine you have to take the Surgery- and in K3 also the Anaesthesiology-exam.
Oral Exams are held in some subjects, in some cases as part of the written exam. Please check back on Campusnet (
) or ask us if you have any questions.
We would like to emphasize that there is no way to skip the exams at the end of the semester! You have to take the exams in order to get your certification (Schein) and subsequently your Transcript of Records.
This booklet is in English because you will probably consult it well in advance of your stay in Berlin. This does not mean that English language skills are sufficient to study at the Charité! All courses are taught in German only. So we only accept students with sufficient language skills in German.
!!!! The university demands German language skills of you. As soon as possible please do the test for the German language course at
http://www.sprachenzentrum.hu-berlin.de ... tm#deutsch
You will receive the results via email - please make sure that you keep the result and send it to us along with your application form or as soon as you made the test!!!! Please fill in your results on the Student Application Form. We cannot accept students without that test!!!
Please take this test really serious, don’t pass it with help of others, as your language skills will be checked by the university in a similar way when you do your immatriculation here!
Language proficiency is important to you in your own interest, because if we feel that your level of German is insufficient, we will have to send you to language classes instead. In this case you will not be enrolled for the semester courses you have applied for.
Once you are here make sure to use the opportunity to improve your already sufficient German skills: for different course offers please check our website:
http://www.charite.de/international/coo ... smus_5.htm
Clinical semesters
After the 4 preclinical semesters our clinical part begins and goes from clinical semester 1 to 6. So the 1st semester of the 3rd year in university is clinical semester 1 (in German 1. klinisches or the short version K1), the 2nd would be clinical semester 2 (K2) and the 1st semester of the 4th year the 3rd clinical semester (K3) etc.
are usually held in the morning whereas courses take place in the afternoon. On each of our campuses we have various lecture halls. Please see
for the maps of the cam
uses. If you get lost ask for assistance at the entrances. Attendance during lectures is not mandatory though very much recommended.
are held at our university hospitals (Campus Benjamin Franklin, Campus, Virchow-Klinikum, Campus Charité Mitte, Campus Berlin Buch) or any other teaching hospital in Berlin.
If you attend lab courses make sure to bring a lab coat. Please ask your teacher if there are any questions regarding safety regulations (e.g. Microbiology).
Clinical courses in subjects with patient contact require coats as well. Out of respect to your patients please bring a clean coat. Also make sure to bring a stethoscope as minimum equipment. In Neurology and related subjects bring a reflex hammer and a diagnostic light. If you have any questions regarding these things, don’t hesitate to contact us.
What to bring for clinical courses:
· White coat
· Stethoscope
· diagnostic light
· Testatkarte (proof of attendance), see next topic
· Something to take notes
Upon your arrival here at the ERASMUS-Office at Charité you will receive something called „Anwesenheitsnachweis“ ( „Testatkarte“). You can also get them during the first lecture of the respective semester.
After each course (both bedside teaching and practical training, not lectures) you will be required to get a signature from the doctor who held your course.
If you fail to present all signatures required at the end of the semester, you will not receive the certification (Schein) for that subject. So please make sure to always get a signature! Most departements don’t have a proof of attendance (like a list) for themselves, so they might not be able to certify your attendance if you fail to receive a signature or loose your card!
Once you have finished all appointments in one subject, make sure to get the certificate from the „Lehrsekretariat“ (just check with the German students or find the location at
). You have to present those certificates at our office in order to get your “transcript of records” (the paper you take back to your home university).
You can get all cards for all clinical semesters at the beginning of each semester (first week) at our office! They are also distributed in the first lecture of each clinical semester.